What Can You Do To Fight Acne ?

1) DO NOT squeeze, pop or burst pimples. This is a no-no. When you squeeze an
infected pimple, you can create pressure that can spread the infection. The infection spreads above the skin, but also deep inside the pore. This enlarges and spreads the
infection, and can cause or increase scarring.
2) Get plenty of rest. The body rests and recovers during sleep.
3) Avoid smoking. Smoking ages the skin and causes wrinkles and age spots.
4) Resist the urge to tan or burn your zits away. Remember, the sun can cause more
5) Take a shower after you’ve been sweating and/or exercising. The water in sweat causes
the follicle to swell. The pore becomes blocked and inflamed, and blemishes can form.
6) Drink lots of water. Water helps to flush out impurities, or things that can harm your
skin. It also keeps your skin hydrated and healthy.
7) You should visit a dermatologist if your acne does not clear up.
Talk to an Adult
If your acne is really getting you down, you should talk to a responsible adult.
Remember, acne is a treatable disease.
Call CareCall at 803-296-CARE (2273) for a dermatologist.
1. Face Facts. “Just the Facts: Acne Myths and Facts.” www.facefacts.com
2. American Counseling Association. “Teen Acne.”
3. WebMD Health. “Prevention and Treatment of Acne with James Fulton, M.D.”
4. Ceasar, Jennifer. Everything You Need to about Acne: A Helping Book for Teens.
5. Gresgon, Susan R. Skin Care. 2000.

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